Represents user’s contact information.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Contact implements Node {
- # The contact’s first name.
- String! :
- # The contact’s last name.
- String :
- # The contact’s nickname.
- String :
- # The contact’s mobile number in E.164 format.
- String :
- # The contact’s email address.
- String :
- # The contact’s birthday.
- String :
- # The contact’s gender.
- Gender :
- # A URL pointing to the contact’s photo.
- URL :
- # The contact’s Twitter username.
- String :
- # The contact’s Instagram username.
- String :
- # The contact’s LinkedIn username.
- String :
- # The contact’s job title.
- String :
- # The contact’s company.
- String :
- # Indicates if the contact has VIP status.
- Boolean! :
- # Indicates if the contact is hidden.
- Boolean! :
- # Indicates if the contact is archived.
- Boolean! :
- # Indicates if the contact is unsubscribed.
- Boolean! :
- # The contact’s country code.
- String :
- # The contact’s province code.
- String :
- # The contact’s city.
- String :
- # The contact’s zip code.
- String :
- # The contact’s longitude.
- Float :
- # The contact’s latitude.
- Float :
- # The contact's total spent amount.
- Float! :
- # Custom notes for the contact.
- String :
- # Identifies the date and time when the contact was created.
- DateTime! :
- # List of contact's custom contributions.
- CustomContribution!]! : [
- # Returns a list of the contact's tags.
- #
- # Arguments
- # first: Returns up to the first `n` elements from the list.
- # after: Returns the elements that come after the specified
- # cursor.
- # last: Returns up to the last `n` elements from the list.
- # before: Returns the elements that come before the specified
- # cursor.
- Int, : String, : Int, : String): TagConnection! ( :
- # List of conversations associated with contact.
- #
- # Arguments
- # first: Returns up to the first `n` elements from the list.
- # after: Returns the elements that come after the specified
- # cursor.
- # last: Returns up to the last `n` elements from the list.
- # before: Returns the elements that come before the specified
- # cursor.
- Int, : String, : Int, : String): ConversationConnection! ( :
- # Globally unique identifier.
- ID! :
- }
link Require by
- ContactAddedTagsPayloadReturn type for `addContactTags` mutation(s).
- ContactConnectionThe connection type for Contact.
- ContactCreatePayloadReturn type for `createContact` mutation.
- ContactEdgeThe edge type for Contact.
- ContactRemovedTagsPayloadReturn type for `removeContactTags` mutation(s).
- ContactUpdatePayloadReturn type for `updateContact` mutation.
- ConversationRepresents user’s conversation information.
- QueryThe schema’s entry-point for queries. This acts as the public, top-level API from which all queries must start.